Saturday, September 25, 2010
More Than Just an Assignment

When i get into something, i don't really talk about it. I just shy away and hide that upshot in the recesses of my unretentive memory. But this was different. I knew this was going to be a great story to tell. And i knew it that instant when i first entered Victory Center Cebu.
I would never forget that rainy, cold Friday night, when i was stranded in school. I was standing by the gates of CNU, making use of the little shelter it gave me from the rain. I was a wet puppy, shivering in the cold, and all i wanted to do was to be in bed with dry clothes on, and a good book. Standing there was never on my "to-do" list. When finally the rain ceased, i agitated for a jeepney, but they were all brimming with people. "Fine, i'll ride a taxi instead," was all i could think of despite my tight budget, but still none to my avail. I remember the hopelessness i felt, that thought that my head was never going to meet my pillow, and i began to cry. Silly i know, but i never really felt helpless in my entire life.
Just when i was on the verge of deciding to walk home, three people appeared in my hindsight. I squinted my eyes to take a clear look, and made out an image of two girls and a guy. Phoebe, Arvee and Gregg. Phoebe approached me, recognizing me as her classmate in SOAN, and asked where i was going. "Muuli na ko oi. Gikapoy na ko ug barog. Gitugnaw na sad ko." Her response took me aback. "Uban nalang namo. Apil ta sa Wired." Okay, this wasn't on my agenda. They said i would really be refreshed and stuff, and that it was really fun. I refused their invitation but they urged me more, giving me assurances that i really needed to go. Yes i knew where i wanted to go at that moment. I wanted to go home. But there was something with those three that made me tug along with them anyway.
During the jeepney ride, i overheard them talking about being late for praise and worship and ushering and Wired. They talked about this guy named kuya Cesar not being able to preach that night too. I tried to tune-out what they were saying, but their noise was hard to ignore. Somehow i got into their conversation when they started talking about kuya Vynz. I knew him as the funny guy at the SAC every friday afternoon, leading LIFE groups. I belonged to one, but i was not charismatic about it. I learned that he was going to preach instead of kuya Cesar, and thought that the sight would be comical.
When we finally got there, i was greeted by a waft of cold air from the air conditioner. I was already freezing. When we finally found a place to sit, i felt a twinge of unease. Everyone knew each other here, and they laughed at jokes i couldn't decipher, and i was out of place. As kuya Vynz, climbed the pulpit, i relaxed a bit. At least there were four people here that i knew. But it all vaporised when he called out my name. Everyone started turning my direction, and i wanted to explode. I didn't know what to do, so i smiled sheepishly and turned away feeling ashamed. I wanted to escape this place.
Unknowingly, during the whole duration of the service, i found myself laughing with the rest of the group. When it got to the worship, i noticed myself raising my hands and singing their songs. I wanted to jump for joy and dance like crazy when we sang praises. Most of all, i felt God. I knew He was right there. After the feeling of being disconnected from Him for so long, it felt so good to be back in His arms again. It wasn't Him who disappeared. It was I; I ran away from Him, and now I'm here, thirsting and longing for Him again. Wired has rekindled the long lost passion of my heart for God. In the end, i felt a surge of joy. I realized i wasn't alien to all this, because we have the same belief; we are praising and serving the same God.
A lot has happened in my life after that brief encounter with God at Wired. I wouldn't leave the house unless i've eaten my spiritual food, which is to read the bible. I've changed from that dormant Christian i have been, to being so dynamic for the lost, and for God. Now, im the Vice Governor for LifeBox-CNU, i lead LIFE groups
and im in the Wired Technicals and the Communications team! I earned friends for keeps, who act like the brothers and sisters i always wanted to have, not only here in Cebu, but even in Hawaii! And to top it all off, i have ONE great and loving GOD.
Looking back to that one stormy Friday evening, i'll never regret that decision i made of going with Phoebe, Arvee and Gregg. I'm happy to have and belong to this spiritual family who is ALWAYS there for me no matter what, and who has led me back to Him. Wired has become my Friday night out; a night out with a cause. :)